
Saturday, October 27, 2012


This is another post I've been wanting to do for a while, a post about my favorite nail polishes! Top 5 even. These are the ones I have that I think are the prettiest. I chose to only have 5 so it wouldn't be such a long post (and also easier to pick 'em out ;)) # 1 is # 1, other than that they're not in an order. I'll post a link to their posts as well.

1. Maxfactor - Fantasy Fire. Ofc ;) Here's the post for this beauty!

 A England - Perceval, love!

 China Glaze - Rodeo Fanatic, the oldest of my favs! Posts here & here.

Orly - Rococo A Go-Go, so much prettier IRL!

A England - Tristam. Do I even have to say something about this one? ;)

There you have my top 5! Do you have a favorite polish/color/finish?


  1. Väldigt roligt att se :) Jag hade aldrig kunnat välja 5! Eller 10. Eller kanske inte ens 20 ^^

    1. Kul att du gillade det! :) Nä men jag hade tänkt ut dessa rätt länge så det var lite enklare. Om jag skulle gå igenom alla lack igen nu hade det kanske blivit en längre lista :P Sen ville jag ju typ ha alla A England också :P

  2. Den första är verkligen cool!
