
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy new year!

I've seen a lot of sum up posts in the last week. I thought maybe I should make one too. Since I've already posted my favorite polishes and nail arts I'll just link to them. And then I'll post links to my favorite crafts this year as well :)
Top 5 polishes
Favorite nail arts

I just blogged about this blanket but since this is a sum up.. :P

This one was special to me since I made it for my bestest childhood friends baby (who's still on the way).

I taught myself something new and made a rug for my sister.

2012 was a great year with (ofc) its ups and downs (mostly ups!). 
I danced for an audience for the first time (and then a second). Dancing became much more important for me this year.
I started thinking more about stuff, the environment and my health. Stopped using weird stuff in my hair. Gave up buying new clothes almost entirely.
Fell out with a friend and reconnected 6 months later. And now all is as it should be again.
Moved to a new and saaah-weet apartment with the love of my life. Now, let's not move again for a long time! ;) Also made a short trip in the beginning of the summer and then a week in Scotland (super cool!) Lots of walking and photographing here and lazy weekend mornings with pancake breakfast <3
I tried a lot of new crafty things. Tablet weaving, crocheting with fabric strips, hand dyeing, granny squares and so on. You know, DIYing is the best confidence boost. You want to make something and then you make it. And feel great about yourself ;D (plus you get cool stuff!)

I think next year is gonna be awesome. I'm going to be an aunt as I mentioned before. My niece/nephew is going to be the coolest and ofc I shall craft lots of baby stuff :D (yes parents, you may make requests) Hopefully I will graduate lol. And I'm turning 25. Wow, when did that happen? Also, next year the bf gets back!!!!!11111oneoneeleven (yes I'm going a bit nuts)

OMG longest and linkiest post ever. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS! <3


  1. Tack för att du lämnade en kommentar hos mig! Roligt att du gillar filten! Ser att du gjort en jättefin virkad filt!! :)
