
Friday, August 5, 2011

Recycled mani.

I managed to keep the previous mani for three days. I probably could've kept it a day or two longer but I got some things from my grandfather and one of those was a candlestick which needed a good clean. I used wire wool (according to the intarwebs that's what ya call it, svinto in swedish ofc! ;)) and my polish didn't really like that. The nice part was that the Yin&Yang stayed okay so I wanted to keep them a couple of days longer. So yesterday I painted the other fingers with Color Club - Flamboyant. I bought it at a supermarket for 20 SEK, it's a mini bottle.

Two coats plus SV.

Also, I need to practise my photographing skills a bit. Or make someone take my pics for me! Haha.


  1. great idea to recycle your mani ;) ...and with the photos: just practice various methods to photograph your nails and then you´ll see what you like best :)

  2. Thanks :) Yeah it's just a bit annoying when I take them it looks good and then in the computer I see that part of the nails are shaded. I just have to take photos in more different angles and stuff :)
